Our project was successful

Our project, which was supported by the Norwegian Civil Support Fund, has successfully ended, which helped us to reach to approximately 6590 children and adults. The dogs, trained by the NEO Hungarian Service dog Organization not only ease their disabled owner’s lives, but they also help in our program carried out in kindergartens, schools, different workplaces and events which shapes people’s opinion on society. Thanks to this support, in only a couple of months we have reached to several places in the countryside and have met with success among participants with our special range of programs. One of the project’s goal was to demonstrate the everyday life of disabled people through an informative program carried out by our hearing/visually impaired or disabled members with the help of their service dogs. The presence of the dogs helped to maintain a more open atmosphere, in which it was easier to have a conversation about what it is like to be handicapped, and the question of equal opportunities. Our hearing-, guide-, service- and therapy dogs are all core members of the sensitizing groups! With the help of specially trained dogs, their owner’s tough life can be lived through as a positive experience, which is also important because this topic is usually seen as a taboo in society.


Sensitizing training: Debrecen

On the last sensitizing training of our project we went to the Csapókerti Primary School of Debrecen on the 28th of March 2014. Our service dogs have met with success – just like in every other kindergarten, school or workplace that we have been to.

Our presenters: Era Mali, Eszter Loványi and Richárd Mányik
Our helper: Zita Hölvényi


Sensitizing training: Auchan

On our workplace training in the Auchan Hungary Kft. managers, security guards and cashiers have participated.

Our presenters: Mali Era, Loványi Eszter and Mányik Richárd
Our helper: Sziklai-Bengyel Nóra


Sensitizing training: Üröm

On 28th February, our team visited the József Nádor Primary School and Elementary Arts Educational Institute of Üröm. This show was interesting for us too, because the 3rd graders were listening to our lessons with excitement and openness, and they also participated in the games. In the convivial sensitizing training the following four-legged participants were involved: our hearing dog, Kuku, our therapy dog, Joya, and “T”, who is currently under training to become a therapy dog.

Our presenters: Mali Era, Loványi Eszter and Mányik Richárd
Our helper: Sziklai-Bengyel Nóra


Sensitizing training: Szolnok

On 14th February, our team visited the Széchenyi Boulevard Sportschool, Primary School and Elementary Arts Educational Institute of Szolnok to do a sensitizing training with the 5th, 7th, and 8th graders. The students carefully paid attention to our show, and have enthusiastically participated in the games, and in the petting of the dogs. Our visit was not only made special by the students but also by the teacher’s appreciative words.

Our presenters: Mali Era and her therapy dog Joya, Loványi Eszter and her hearing dog Kuku, Mányik Richárd and his service dog Cooper, as well as the Organization’s autism service dog Mázli
Our helpers: Sziklai-Bengyel Nóra and Hölvényi Zita

Foto: paroczaifoto.hu


Sensitizing training: Nyíregyháza

On 31st January, our team visited Nyíregyháza, where we held sensitizing trainings in a kindergarten and in a school.

Our presenters: Czirják Helga and her therapy dog Nyafi, Loványi Eszter and her hearing dog Kuku, Mányik Richárd and his service dog Cooper, as well as his learner therapy dog T., and last but not least Archie, who will be an assistance dog has also participated in the program.
Our helper: Burányi Virág

Nyíregyházi Tv:


Sensitizing training: Eperjeske and Mándok

On 30th January, our team visited several kindergartens and schools in Eperjeske and Mándok to do sensitizing trainings.

Our presenters: Czirják Helga and her therapy dog Nyafi, Loványi Eszter and her hearing dog Kuku, Mányik Richárd and his service dog Cooper, as well as his learner therapy dog T., and last but not least Archie, who will be an assistance dog has also participated in the program.
Our helper: Burányi Virág, who we thank for the beautiful photos!

Arany János Kindergarten, Eperjeske

Gyermekkert Kindergarten, Mándok

Mándok Primary School, Mándok
