Sensitizing training: Szolnok

On 14th February, our team visited the Széchenyi Boulevard Sportschool, Primary School and Elementary Arts Educational Institute of Szolnok to do a sensitizing training with the 5th, 7th, and 8th graders. The students carefully paid attention to our show, and have enthusiastically participated in the games, and in the petting of the dogs. Our visit was not only made special by the students but also by the teacher’s appreciative words.

Our presenters: Mali Era and her therapy dog Joya, Loványi Eszter and her hearing dog Kuku, Mányik Richárd and his service dog Cooper, as well as the Organization’s autism service dog Mázli
Our helpers: Sziklai-Bengyel Nóra and Hölvényi Zita

