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Service dog show: Budapest, Sziget Festival 2.

The second day – just like the first – was packed too, moreover not only did our service dogs perform in the Ability Park but on the Civil Sziget too. Besides our round of duties we found time to try the other „sensitizing” games too (eg. wheelchair obstacle course, blind labyrinth).

Location: Budapest, Hajógyári Sziget, Ability Park and Civil Sziget
Our presenters: Mányik Richárd and his therapy dog Risza, Mali Erika and her therapy dog Joya, Loványi Eszter and her hearing dog Kuku, Földi Mónika and her therapy dog Queen, Czirják Helga and her learner therapy dog Nyafi, Nemes Flóra and her therapy dog Amper, Burányi Virág, Bauer Gyöngyi, Pomázi Éva and Hölvényi Zita

Our team is becoming sensitized – Tour in the Ability Park