Service dog show: Mosonmagyaróvár
In this year it was the 3rd time (2013.09.27.) that we participated in the “Acceptance day” of Mosonmagyaróvár. Due to this occasion we did two shows with our dogs, where many children and adolescents participated from the age of kindergarteners to secondary school-agers.
Location: Mosonmagyaróvár, Flesch Károly Cultural Center (Erkel Ferenc street 14.)
Our presenters: Mányik Richárd and his learner dog T, Czirják Helga and her learner therapy dog Nyafi, as well as Mali Erika and her learner service dog Joya
2013.09.21. Tatabánya-Dózsakert. We participated in the Dózskerti Family Days which was held for the fifth time…
Location: Tatabánya, Dózsakerti pedestrian precinct
Our presenters: Mányik Richárd and his service dog Cooper, as well as Loványi Eszter and her hearing dog Kuku
Although the weather was not in our favor, our dogs who participated in the program proved that we can count on them even in rain and mud. T attracted the enthusiastic children, Kuku gave signals to its’ owner when the phone rang, Joya carried a basket, Cooper gave a coin back to its’ owner, therefore all the four-legged performers dazzled both the small ones and the older ones.
Location: Budapest, 19th district, Kós Károly square
Our presenters: Loványi Eszter and her hearing dog Kuku, Mányik Richárd and his service dog Cooper, as well as his learner dog T, Mali Erika and her learner service dog Joya
We did a service dog show on 7th September between 10:30 and 11:30 on the event of the Veszprém MERI Sports days.
Location: Lovassy L. Secondary School (Cserhát residential area 11.)
Our presenters: (from the left) Burányi Virág, Joya the service dog and Mali Erika.
The organizer of the event: Dani Gyöngyi (on the right)
The second day – just like the first – was packed too, moreover not only did our service dogs perform in the Ability Park but on the Civil Sziget too. Besides our round of duties we found time to try the other „sensitizing” games too (eg. wheelchair obstacle course, blind labyrinth).
Location: Budapest, Hajógyári Sziget, Ability Park and Civil Sziget
Our presenters: Mányik Richárd and his therapy dog Risza, Mali Erika and her therapy dog Joya, Loványi Eszter and her hearing dog Kuku, Földi Mónika and her therapy dog Queen, Czirják Helga and her learner therapy dog Nyafi, Nemes Flóra and her therapy dog Amper, Burányi Virág, Bauer Gyöngyi, Pomázi Éva and Hölvényi Zita
Our team is becoming sensitized – Tour in the Ability Park
Our Organization spent two days on the Sziget Festival. We welcomed the Festival’s participants at our stall all day with our hearing- and service dogs as well as with our therapy dogs in the Ability Park. We played together, did a service dog show, and all the Festival’s participants took part actively in our program.
Location: Budapest, Hajógyári Sziget, Ability Park
Our presenters: Mányik Richárd and his service dog Cooper, Mali Erika and her therapy dog Joya, Loványi Eszter and her hearing dog Kuku, Földi Mónika and her learner therapy dog Dió, Czirják Helga and her learner therapy dog Nyafi, Burányi Virág, Bauer Gyöngyi, Nemes Flóra, Pomázi Éva and Hölvényi Zita
We thank Burányi Virág for the photos