Sensitizing training: Benedictine Secondary School, Győr

Date: 13th December 2013.
Location: Czuczor Gergely Benedictine Secondary School and College, Győr, Széchenyi square 8-9.
Our last sensitizing training of the year was held in a festive mood: as we approached the building, we had to pass through the Christmas fair of Széchenyi square in Győr. This occasion was special because of something else as well: this was our Organization’s youngest member, the three months old Mázli’s first performance, who will help its’ owner when it becomes an autism service dog. Mázli met with success among the students.

Our presenters: Mányik Richárd and his service dog Cooper, as well as the Organization’s autism service dog Mázli, Loványi Eszter and her hearing dog Kuku, Mali Era and her therapy dog Joya
Our helpers: Bauer Gyöngyi and Sziklai-Bengyel Nóra


Sensitizing training: Keyserve Kft. and MelorIT Kft.

On 22nd November 2013, we introduced the IT-sector’s two competing company’s co-workers to the special needs of handicapped people and to the everyday life of our service dogs. We think that it is highly important to spread the concept of equal opportunities and tolerance among services as well. Out of the partners of Keyserve Kft. and MelorIT Kft. there are such things as industry, financial sector, administration, telecommunication and media representatives, who as we hope will forward the message of our training (eg. importance of clear, barrier-free websites).

Our presenters: Loványi Eszter and her hearing dog Kuku, Mali Era and her therapy dog Joya, Mányik Richárd and his service dog Cooper.

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Sensitizing training: Benedictine School of Tihany, Tihany

Our sensitizing training of Tihany was carried on a day later on the 19th November 2013, in the Benedictine School of Tihany. It was clear, that the students constituted the transition between kindergarteners and adults. They were not as open – minded as the kindergarteners but were also less timid than the adults. We constantly improve our syllabus, therefore we introduced new games which were successful among the students (eg. pulling out cards [with tasks on them] from the dog’s trace, lip-reading tasks, silent language games).

Location: Benedictine Abbey Illyés Gyula Primary School and Elementary Arts Educational School, Tihany, Csokonai street 73.
Our presenters: Mányik Richárd and his service dog Cooper, Loványi Eszter and her hearing dog Kuku, Czirják Helga and her learner dog Nyafi, as well as Mali Era and her therapy dog Joya.



Sensitizing training: Tihany Benedictine Abbey

On 18th November 2013, after the kindergarten program in the morning, the co-workers of the Tihany Benedictine Abbey came along. As an answer to our question they told us that during their work they usually meet with hearing/visually impaired or disabled individuals (eg. on masses, exhibitions, cash-desks), therefore it was worth to visit them and tell about our life, everydays! It was interesting to relive the ways in which adults treat disabled people differently than small children. Fortunately, in the company of our service dogs they found a way to relax, and despite the early difficulties we managed to conduct the workplace sensitizing training in a good mood filled with laughter!

Location: Tihany, I. András square 1.
Our presenters: Mányik Richárd and his service dog Cooper, as well as his learner dog T, Loványi Eszter and her hearing dog Kuku, Mali Era and her therapy dog Joya
Our helpers: Czirják Helga, Hölvényi Zita and Burányi Virág

We thank the photos to Dr. Korzenszky Richárd father!


Sensitizing training: Visszhang Kindergarten, Tihany

On Monday 18th November 2013, we did our first sensitizing training among kindergarteners through the tender of the Norwegian Civil Support Fund. Our Organization visited the enthusiastic children of the Visszhang Kindergarten with 4 of our dogs.

We thank Burányi Virág for the photos!
In the first part kids were introduced to the lifestyle of disabled people. We put a plush bunny in front of the children sitting on small chairs. Then, we asked them to pick them up without standing up or raising their bottoms. It was not an easy task, since it was difficult for them to not stand up when they leaned forward. With this exercise the children got to see how hard it is for disabled people to pick up objects. After this Cooper, the service dog demonstrated how it picks up objects to hand it to its owner, even the smaller items such as a coin. Not only did we show the kids how dogs pick up objects but we also demonstrated how they pull down gloves, as well as pack objects. Cooper was asked to pick up those plush animals which the children could not place into a box. Both the kids and Cooper enjoyed the exercise.
Kuku, the hearing dog came with us as well, who demonstrated how it gives signals to its’ owner if the alarm-clock switches on in the morning, if someone rings the doorbell or if they call out her name. Of course we involved the kindergarteners in the game, we asked them to shut their ears. After this, we talked to them in order to make them feel what it is like to not hear normally when they are being talked to.
In the end of the program T and Nyafi our learner therapy dogs invited the kids to a little game. Everyone could pick a card from the dogs’ trace. There were cartoon characters on each card, which all had their pairs, so the children were asked to find their partners. On our sensitizing training we could not skip the petting of the dogs either. As a farewell they were allowed to give the dogs reward besides caressing them.
Location: Visszhang Kindergarten, Tihany, Visszhang street 21.
Our presenters: Mányik Richárd and his service dog Cooper, as well as his learner dog T, Loványi Eszter and her hearing dog Kuku, Czirják Helga and her learner dog Nyafi
Our helpers: Hölvényi Zita, Burányi Virág and Mali Era


Service dog show: MVM Experience day, 2013

On 14th November 2013 we presented a show on the MVM Experience day which was held in the Millenáris Park. On the event disabled children and those in need of long-term hospitalization could play together with their healthy fellows. It started at 11 and we showed our enthusiastic audience the everyday tasks of the service- and hearing dogs, with which they help and ease their owner’s life. Of course we not only made the dogs work, but we also asked some of the small, but enthusiastic members of the audience to participate. We were curious whether they were capable of the small tricks, which were presented to them by Joya. Such things like giving a high-five, barking, sitting, lying down, spinning-whirling. The enthusiastic kids handled the barriers well!


After the show we waited until 15 pm to welcome those interested, people constantly came up to us for different reasons, from caressing the dogs through playing with them to asking questions. There were courageous children, however there were others who were not that brave. First, the latter viewed from a safe distance how the brave former practiced with their new four-legged friends how to bring in baskets, play ball games or walk the dogs. Deep breath, timid steps forward, hold out hand, tighten fingers, hold breath, the child almost touched the peacefully sleeping dog’s fur. And success!! A small stroke on the soft fur is not enough, that is why the shy kid also cowers beside the sleeping dog to be able to carry on stroking it.

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The members of the NEO Hungarian Service dog Organization have gained new experiences as well. On the Experience day it was not just us who delighted the children, but vice versa!
Date: 2013.11.14 between 10 am and 15 pm, service dog show at 11 am.
Location: Budapest, Millenáris Park “B” building: 1024 Budapest, Kis Rókus street 16-20. (Next to Mammut 2).
Our presenters: Loványi Eszter and her hearing dog Kuku, Mányik Richárd and his learner dog T, Mali Era and her therapy dog Joya
Our helpers: Hölvényi Zita and Sziklai Bengyel Nóra
Link about the event and more information on the program:

Sensitizing training: Nagy Sándor József Secondary School, Budakeszi

On 8th November 2013 we visited the 9th and 10th graders of Nagy Sándor József Secondary School. After a short introduction, the adolescents got acquainted with the lifestyle of disabled and hearing-impaired individuals, as well as with the work of service- and therapy dogs. Nyafi, the learner therapy dog met with huge success, since it was its’ first introductory show.

Location: Nagy Sándor József Secondary School, Budakeszi, Széchenyi street 94,

Our presenters: Mányik Richárd and his learner dog T, Loványi Eszter and her hearing dog Kuku, Czirják Helga and her learner therapy dog Nyafi, as well as Mali Era and her therapy dog Joya
Our helper: Sziklai Bengyel Nóra

Sensitizing training: Vasadi Primary School

On 18th October 2013 we visited the Vasadi Primary School’s 6th 7th and 8th graders. After a short introduction, the children got acquainted with the lifestyle of disabled and hearing- or visually impaired individuals, as well as with the work of service- and therapy dogs. The MTV recorded a report film about the event.

Location: Vasad, Petőfi street 30.

Our presenters: Mányik Richárd and his service dog Cooper, Loványi Eszter and her hearing dog Kuku, Szekeres Csaba, as well as Mali Era and her therapy dog Joya.


Sensitizing training: Reich Károly Primary School

On 11th October 2013 we visited the Reich Károly Primary School’s 6th and 7th graders in Balatonszemes.
After a short introduction, the children got acquainted with the lifestyle of disabled and hearing-impaired individuals, as well as with the work of service- and therapy dogs.

Location: Reich Károly Primary School, Sportschool, Elementary Arts Educational Institute and Unified Pedagogic Special Services, Balatonszemes, Gárdonyi Géza street 1.
Our presenters: Mányik Richárd and his learner dog T, Loványi Eszter and her hearing dog Kuku, as well as Mali Erika and her therapy dog Joya.

Service dog show: Budapest, Rex Dog Home

We spent a joyful day on Állatsziget (Rex Dog Home Foundation) on the occasion of Animal World day. Before our afternoon show we spent some time getting to know other owners and dogs at our stall. As we chatted about the world of service dogs with the adults, our four-legged “colleagues” entertained the children.
Location: Budapest, Állatsziget: 1048 Budapest, Óceánárok street 33.
Our presenters: Mali Erika and her learner service dog Joya, Loványi Eszter and her hearing dog Kuku, Nemes Flóra and her therapy dog Amper, Czirják Helga and her learner therapy dog Nyafi, Tar Krisztina and her learner therapy dog Misa, Sumicz Terézia and her learner therapy dog Daisy, Bauer Gyöngyi
The recording of MTV News about NEO can be found on this link from 26:49 (2013.10.05.)