Service dog show: Budapest, Rex Dog Home

We spent a joyful day on Állatsziget (Rex Dog Home Foundation) on the occasion of Animal World day. Before our afternoon show we spent some time getting to know other owners and dogs at our stall. As we chatted about the world of service dogs with the adults, our four-legged “colleagues” entertained the children.
Location: Budapest, Állatsziget: 1048 Budapest, Óceánárok street 33.
Our presenters: Mali Erika and her learner service dog Joya, Loványi Eszter and her hearing dog Kuku, Nemes Flóra and her therapy dog Amper, Czirják Helga and her learner therapy dog Nyafi, Tar Krisztina and her learner therapy dog Misa, Sumicz Terézia and her learner therapy dog Daisy, Bauer Gyöngyi
The recording of MTV News about NEO can be found on this link from 26:49 (2013.10.05.)